With a moratorium on deep sea mining, what is the future of sea bed resources? Will deep sea mining be the answer to the supply-demand gap of critical minerals for the energy transition? Do we know enough about the consequences? Is more research required?
A group of internationally recognised experts discussed the challenges and opportunities of deep sea mining with Jeff Townsend. Watch below.

Moderated by CMIA Founder & CEO, Jeff Townsend, featuring:
▪︎ Professor Richard Herrington, Head of Earth Sciences Department, Natural History Museum
▪︎ Dr Kris Van Nijen, MD, Global Sea Mineral Resources (DEME Group)
▪︎ Christopher Williams, Independent Expert
Watch Video Here
About the Panellists
Professor Richard Herrington
As a researcher, Richard investigates the behaviour of metals critical to our modern economy in earth systems. He is specifically focused on those metals concentrated by deep weathering processes in surface systems and has projects focused on looking at cobalt and rare earth metals in particular. Other interests include investigating the links between mineral deposit formation and the earths geodynamic history and the association of mineral deposit formation and biota in the deep ocean. His work involves collaboration with industry and the results of his research provide them with new information enabling better and more sustainable mining techniques to be considered.
Dr Kris Van Nijen
Kris has spent the last +20 years overseeing marine engineering projects across continents, and has a track record of successfully balancing economic, environmental and social considerations for sustainable growth. Today, he heads a team developing ultra-deep ocean technologies, focused on recovering critical metals needed for sustainable development and ultimately for the future benefit of humankind. Kris is an active participant and presenter in meetings with regional (EU) and international (UN) intergovernmental bodies charged with regulating the marine minerals sector.
Chris Williams
Chris Williams is an independent expert in deep seabed mineral exploration. Chris was previously the Managing Director of UK Seabed Resources, a company he ran since 2016 as a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin and which was acquired by Loke Marine Minerals in 2023.
Prior to joining Lockheed Martin, Chris was a career civil servant at the UK Ministry of Justice and latterly at the Cabinet Office. Chris has a natural sciences degree from Cambridge University.