CMIA is the only industry body focused solely on critical minerals supply chains, from exploration through to downstream manufacture and the wider ecosystem.
Our international scope allows us to focus on cross-border challenges that are too complex for a single nation to tackle.
We are committed to putting the industry first and ensuring that the race to decarbonise, and evolving policy changes benefit rather than hinder the industry.
International Thought Leadership
Change starts with ideas. CMIA provides the platform to solve complex challenges.
Unique Networking Opportunities
Connecting the value chain with stakeholders and governments.
Always putting the industry's needs first, promoting business and advocating globally on industry's behalf.
Outcomes not Outputs
Access to International Experts
Driving pragmatic change and delivering concrete outcomes for industry.
Connecting members with in-house and partner experts on geopolitics, policy, extraction, finance, engineering and more.
Becoming a Member
CMIA offers a unique opportunity to join like-minded companies in solving complex challenges and dismantling cross-border barriers.
Our membership application process is straightforward to limit administrative burden. Speak to one of our team for further details.
Express Your Interest
Complete a short expression of interest form or get directly in touch with one of our team.
Meet the Team
Understanding your company's specific needs is a priority for us. We will invite you to meet the team.
Complete Application
You will be invited to join the association and guided through the process.
CMIA membership is open to companies operating across the critical minerals value chains including:​​
exploration and mining
processing, refining & recycling
original equipment manufacture
All members must comply with CMIA's Charter.
Commitment to Responsibility
All members of the CMIA and the CMAs commit to upholding responsible practices and striving towards minimising their negative impact on the environment and the communities in which they operate.
The CMIA is committed to promoting modern, responsible mining that adds value and creates economic opportunities for communities.